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  • 02/07/2025 3:15 PM | Crystal Rayos (Administrator)

    Recovery “Drug” Court Program Graduates 12 Participants

    Colorado Springs, CO - On Thursday, February 13, 2025, 12 participants will be recognized for completing the 4th Judicial District Recovery “Drug” Court program in El Paso and Teller counties initiated in January 2001 as the second drug problem-solving court in Colorado. The graduation ceremony is set for 3:30 p.m. at the Terry R. Harris Judicial Complex in Colorado Springs, 270 S. Tejon Street, in the Jury Assembly Room W 113.

    This achievement marks a significant milestone for the graduates, who have demonstrated unwavering commitment to their recovery journey. The Recovery “Drug” Court is a rigorous problem-solving treatment court designed for individuals who have encountered the criminal justice system as a result of substance use. Throughout the program, participants have exhibited sustained abstinence from controlled substances and alcohol, actively participated in any required treatment, and fulfilled educational and employment objectives outlined by the Recovery “Drug” Court’s clinical team. They have also undergone frequent performance reviews by the Recovery “Drug” Court Magistrate, the Honorable Gregory K. Duncan.

    “We are honored and excited to celebrate the graduation of 12 amazing men and women from the Recovery Court program,” said El Paso County District Magistrate Gregory K. Duncan. "I am so proud of our graduates and look forward to celebrating this milestone on their road to recovery.”

    Since the program's start in 2001, the 4th Judicial District Recovery “Drug” Court has been modeled after evidence-based problem-solving drug courts, which have proven effective in handling criminal cases. The substantive goal is to divert non-violent, substance-abusing felony offenders into a comprehensive, judicially supervised program of urinalysis monitoring and case management, to include referral and follow-up with employment, educational, and other self-improvement goals.

    The media are invited to attend. The use of cameras must be approved in advance, and all people being photographed must give their consent to be photographed. Please contact Robert Burrs, Recovery Court Program Manager, at 719-452-5209 if you want to bring a camera or for more information.

  • 02/07/2025 2:15 PM | Crystal Rayos (Administrator)

    Model Criminal Jury Instructions Committee Releases Annual Update

    Denver, CO – The Colorado Supreme Court Model Criminal Jury Instructions Committee has released its annual update to Colorado’s model jury instructions for use in criminal trials.

    The model jury instructions may be found online at: https://www.coloradojudicial.gov/model-criminal-jury-instructions-committee.

    They include instructions concerning all offenses defined in Title 18 of the Colorado Revised Statutes (the Criminal Code), along with instructions addressing select offenses defined in other titles of the Colorado Revised Statutes (including Title 42, Vehicles and Traffic). This annual update incorporates 2024 legislation, as well as caselaw published since the release of the prior edition.

    Users may download Word and PDF versions of the instructions, which feature hyperlink capabilities for ease of use. For any questions regarding the instructions, users are encouraged to contact the committee at mcjic@judicial.state.co.us.
  • 01/28/2025 10:54 AM | Crystal Rayos (Administrator)

    Notice of Public Hearing and Request for Comments

    Colorado Rules of Family Procedure

    Denver, CO—The Colorado Supreme Court has scheduled a hearing on the proposed Colorado Rules of Family Procedure for May 13, 2025, at 3:30 p.m. The Court requests written public comments from any interested person on the proposed rule.

    Public comments may be submitted in letter format addressed to:

    Colorado Supreme Court, 2 E. 14th Avenue, Denver, CO 80202.

    The deadline to submit comments is April 25, 2025, by 4 p.m.

    If submitting a public comment by email, please attach your comment as a separate document to your email in Word or PDF format. Comments and speaking requests may be emailed to supremecourtrules@judicial.state.co.us. Written comments received by the deadline will be uploaded after the comment period closes.

    The deadline to request to speak at the public hearing is May 1, 2025, by 4 p.m.

    The proposed rules for the Colorado Rules of Family Procedure include the Rules:

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11-1, 11-2, 11-3, 12, 13, 15, 16-1, 16-2, 16-3, 16-4, 16-5, 16-6, 17, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 45, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66, 69, 70, 98, 103, 107, 121 1-2, 121 1-4, 121 1-5,121 1-8, 121 1-9, 121 1-10, 121 1-11, 121 1-12, 121 1-15, 121 1-16, 121 1-17, 121 1-21, 121 1-22, 121 1-25, 121 1-26, 122, 123, 124, Form 35.4, and Form 35.5

    You can find a copy of the proposed rules online at: https://www.coloradojudicial.gov/supreme-court/adopted-proposed-rule-changes?topic=78&wrapped=true


    The Colorado Judicial Branch works to provide equal access to justice, contribute to public safety, and strengthen the rule of law across Colorado. Together, our courts and probation departments are committed to impartial and timely dispute resolution, support for families, litigants, and victims, client rehabilitation, and meaningful community engagement.

  • 12/02/2024 9:55 AM | Crystal Rayos (Administrator)

    COLORADO SPRINGS, CO –Those worried about an outstanding arrest warrant and unsure of how to clear it have a free resource to assist them in resolving their case. This Friday, Dec. 6, the 4th Judicial District will host the Second Chances Warrant Clearance and Community Resource Day for El Paso and Teller counties, where participants can come and work with community partners to have their outstanding warrants cleared.

    Second Chances will be held on Dec. 6, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the El Paso County Courthouse (270 S. Tejon Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80903). The courts, public defenders, and district attorneys for the 4th Judicial District will come together to help people clear their warrants, including those for probation violations, and connect with resources to move forward and resolve their legal matters successfully.

    Offenses eligible for warrant clearance include municipal, misdemeanor or traffic offenses, class 4 drug felonies, and class 5 and 6 felonies. Ineligible offenses include any warrants for the Victim Rights Act, felonies, assault, domestic violence, unlawful sexual behavior, child abuse, careless driving involving death cases, and juveniles with no parent or guardian present.

    For questions about Second Chances or to verify eligibility, contact the Office of the Colorado Public Defender at 719-475-1235. For municipal warrants, contact the court at 719-385-6153. For more information, visit coloradojudicial.gov/courts/trial-courts/el-paso-county.

  • 11/27/2024 11:05 AM | Crystal Rayos (Administrator)

    COLORADO SPRINGS, CO – The Fourth Judicial District is proud to celebrate the first anniversary of Division CARE (Court Assisted Recovery from Eviction), Colorado’s only eviction recovery program of its kind. Launched as a pilot program with grant funding from the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) on Nov. 27, 2023, Division CARE has significantly impacted the lives of tenants and landlords by addressing housing insecurity and stabilizing the local community. 

    On average, the Fourth Judicial District sees nearly 750 eviction cases filed each month. The program has steadily grown to provide assistance to 100 of those cases every month. This translates into over 13% of all monthly Forcible Entry and Detainer (FED) filings being successfully connected to essential resources, frequently resulting in cases being dismissed before trial can even occur. These efforts have helped participants avoid eviction, secure stable housing, and access mediation or legal assistance. 

    “Division CARE has proven that innovative, collaborative approaches can make a difference in reducing housing instability,” said Magistrate Andrea Paprzycki, the program’s founder. “By working with community partners, we have turned a critical challenge into an opportunity to restore dignity and hope for individuals and families facing eviction.” 

    One program participant shared, “For the very first time in my life, I do not feel like I have to carry the weight of the world all by myself, and I am so very grateful for you and for my judge yesterday who told me about this program.”  

    As Colorado faces housing affordability challenges, Division CARE serves as a model for other districts and jurisdictions considering similar programs. 

    The Fourth Judicial District serves El Paso and Teller counties and is committed to providing fair and accessible justice for all.  


    The Colorado Judicial Branch works to provide equal access to justice, contribute to public safety, and strengthen the rule of law across Colorado. Together, our courts and probation departments are committed to impartial and timely dispute resolution, support for families, litigants, and victims, client rehabilitation, and meaningful community engagement.

  • 08/21/2024 12:58 PM | Crystal Rayos (Administrator)

    Governor to appoint new district court judge

    The Fourth Judicial District Nominating Commission has nominated three candidates for a district court judgeship created by the retirement of the Hon. Monica J. Gomez, effective Jan. 1, 2025. Nominees Theodore Paul McClintock of Colorado Springs, Michael A. Watts and Sarah Elizabeth Zane of Monument were selected by the commission on Aug. 21, 2024.

    Under the Colorado Constitution, the governor has 15 days from Aug. 22, 2024, to appoint one of the nominees as district court judge for the Fourth Judicial District (El Paso and Teller counties).

    Comments regarding any of the nominees may be sent via e-mail to the governor at gov_judicialappointments@state.co.us

    Editor’s Note: Contact information for the three nominees

    • Theodore Paul McClintock. 101 N. Cascade Ave., Suite 100A, Colorado Springs, CO 80903. 719-520-3968
    • Michael A. Watts. 101 N. Cascade, Suite 420, Colorado Springs, CO 80903. 719-884-2853
    • Sarah Elizabeth Zane. 270 S. Tejon Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80902. 719-452-5533

The El Paso County Bar Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 0429, Colorado Springs, CO 80903

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