Succession Planning - Where to Begin

  • 02/26/2025
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Virtual



February 26th | 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Virtual | Zoom

CLE Credit: 1 General

Presented by: Jonathan White, Assistant Regulation Counsel with the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel

Lawyers may wonder where to begin when thinking about succession planning. They may also wonder about the scope of issues to address in a plan. This presentation will discuss starting points that should not require significant time and effort, and that are consistent with requirements in the Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct. The presentation will explore the concept of “inventory counsel” appointment pursuant to Colorado Rule of Civil Procedure 244, which allows another lawyer to wind down the practice of a lawyer in exigent circumstances under the supervision of the local chief judge. Other concepts that will be discussed include why having a succession plan makes good sense, as well as more robust planning for transitioning a practice that arise out of contractual agreements and client notices. The presentation will last approximately one hour with time for questions and answers.

Platinum Event Sponsors

The El Paso County Bar Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 0429, Colorado Springs, CO 80903

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